Young Living is my preferred source for essential oils because of the...
The process
Young Living uses when planting, cultivating, harvesting, and distilling a
batch of oil is crucial to retaining its vital compounds. Without the exact
blend of naturally-occurring plant chemicals, an essential oil can lose its
beneficial properties and fail to produce the desired effect.
Young Living
Therapeutic Grade (YLTG) means that every essential oil Young Living distills
or sources has the optimal naturally-occurring blend of constituents to
maximize the desired effect. Young Living is able to make this assertion
because of their strict cultivation process—illustrated by the Four Ps—that
guarantees the optimal potency of every Young Living essential oil.
An oil's
potency can be affected not only by selecting the proper plant to cultivate,
but also by where the plant is grown, the quality of soil in which the seed is
planted, and even the time of day it's harvested.
Young Living
has extensive experience selecting the correct species of plant for desired oil
potency, planting under optimal conditions, using ideal soil and natural
methods to encourage growth, and knowing the precise time to harvest each crop.
Only those plants that produce the most active and widest array of therapeutic
compounds are selected.
Once the
optimal soil, plant, cultivation, and harvesting conditions have been adhered
to, the plants must be distilled properly in order to meet Young Living
Therapeutic Grade standards. Young Living uses a gentle, proprietary technique
for steam-extracting the most potent essential oils, which remains unmatched
throughout the essential oils industry.
To meet
Young Living Therapeutic Grade distillation standards proper temperature must
be maintained throughout the distillation process, and pressure, length of
time, equipment, and batch size are strictly monitored.
Young Living
Therapeutic Grade standards prohibit the acceptance of any diluted, cut or
adulterated oils. Every product Young Living produces—essential oils, oil
blends, nutritional supplements, or personal care—meets strict purity
Every batch
of essential oils is subjected to rigorous, state-of-the-art analysis at the
Young Living chemistry lab. Using some of the most advanced equipment in the
world, scientists subject every batch of essential oils to Gas
Chromatograph and Mass Spectrometer testing, and heavy metals analysis. Oils
that exhibit even the slightest hint of possible adulteration or tampering are
culmination of the preceding three stages, Potency means that the naturally
occurring compounds contained in each essential oil product are of the highest
and most consistent bioactive levels. Without strict adherence to the Young
Living Therapeutic Grade standard in the Plant, Preparation, and Purity phases,
the final product would not have the necessary potency to create the desired
Follow this
link to learn about how to order Young Living essential oils.